When you think of your organization’s fundraising journey, you probably think of two important portions of the timeline: the process of attracting donors and the moment a pledge becomes a gift. However, there’s one additional portion that’s just as important as the first two, and it has to do with what comes next. Once you have a gift in your hands, you need simple, reliable ways to manage those donations.
We’re sharing several solutions for streamlining, managing, and protecting donations for your organization.
Streamline Giving
If donating is clunky or complicated, people will abandon ship. You want to make the process of donating money to your organization as pleasant and easy as possible. As people adapt to a post-COVID world where technology leads, one way to remove barriers to donating is by creating ways for donors to give online.
Online Fundraising
In 2020, online giving increased for nonprofit organizations like yours. Of all donations in 2020, 7-8% came from online giving, and we expect that number to increase in the years to come.
To further facilitate the rise of online giving, Daxko Operations developed an updated online giving experience for its members. Existing buttons and forms got a facelift, so it’s easier than ever to select a donation amount, choose a campaign to dedicate it to, and pay online.
Additionally, Conversion Analytics through Daxko Engage provides insight into how much donation revenue specific email campaigns generate. With that data, you’ll be able to strategize future campaigns to produce increased donations.
Manage Donor Information
Many organizations have separate accounts for facility members donors in their core operating system. Not all donors are facility members, and not all facility members are donors, but when an account does fit both criteria, Daxko Operations now provides the option to easily merge duplicate accounts.
In addition, you can also easily apply system credits as gift cards, turn payments into pledges, and convert fees to donations for members. During the initial COVID-19 shutdowns, organizations like yours survived with the help of gracious members who were willing to offer their dues as donations. Going forward, it’s going to be important to continue to offer that as a donation option.
Outside of new technology updates that aid fundraising and donations, we’ve also expanded access to data around fundraising. In Performance Analytics, we’ve released fundraising data so organizations can see how they’re growing compared to similar associations based on revenue size, number of branches, and region. This kind of data empowers you to make decisions based on deep data insights.
Protect Donation Revenue
With Gains, our integrated payment processing and full-service billing solution, organizations benefit from more money, more security, and more time in your staff’s hands to focus on what matters most.
With regards to donations, one of the greatest advantages of the Gains payment processing system is next-day funding. With other solutions that aren’t integrated with your core operating system, gaining visibility and access to realized pledges can be frustrating and time consuming. Getting donations into your bank account more quickly helps you to further your mission with more speed and agility.
Connect with Our Team
Have further questions about how any of these solutions could help you streamline, manage, and protect donation revenue at your organization? Get in touch with our team.
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