The Daxko team is thrilled to announce a renewed partnership with Welld Health. Welld will now handle all third-party check in programs for insurance companies.
How does Welld work? Welld pulls member information to seed health records, check-in data to track healthy behavior, and membership status to track program ROI. For some programs, Welld creates prospects when referrals are received. Welld was specifically built to suit the health record needs of YMCAs, JCCs, Boys & Girls Clubs, and local community-based organizations.
The platform integrates with your Daxko system to pull records automatically, effectively extending your member records into secure health records. No more hassle of exporting check-in reports, or holding your breath as you record Protected Health Information in an insecure environment. Our referral engine, program engine, and claims engine can handle any configuration for your business – from direct EMR integration for physician referrals straight through claims for programs like Renew Active, Silver & Fit, and more.
Welld helps nonprofits serve their community. With Welld, you can:
1. Own your memberships. Unlike other services that hold the membership outside your system, Welld believes that nonprofits should own their member to drive upsell revenue and facilitate a new membership after eligibility has expired.
2. Screen eligibility in real time. With Welld, you can know if participants are eligible before they ever check in.
3. Get automatic monthly submission of member utilization reports. Running several programs can be complicated, so Welld automatically submits utilization data for each program. No need to remember deadlines for submission.
4. Reconcile payment on a per member basis. Using our deep history in medical claims processing, know the payment per program and per member with 100% accuracy.
5. Flag ineligible participants so you don’t give away memberships for free. Nonprofit centers are not told when members are no longer eligible, so Welld automatically lets clubs know who to deactivate in real time.
6. Run your medical fitness programs. With over 500,000 enrollments, Welld has unmatched experience in tracking outcomes and managing programs.
7. Trust your data is secure. Welld is HIPAA compliant and SOC2/Type II certified.
8. Generate more revenue. Welld Health will help your nonprofit maximize revenue and reduce the administrative payroll burden that often reduces the profitability of insurance check in programs.
Click here to learn more about the partnership with Welld.
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