We see our client organizations on Twitter all the time, doing a great job showcasing their association and their members. But, everyone can use social media tips to make their jobs easier, and if you are just starting out in your social media strategy, this post on will help you get started. Whatever your social media skill level, the tips below will help you be more efficient and effective with your social media efforts. This is the first part in a series of posts with the best social media tips and tricks compiled just for our non-profit clients.
- Create a consistent voice. “Having a (social media) strategy in place will ensure that a consistent voice and relevant content is shared across platforms and throughout advertising and promotions,” says Becci Hart of Intermark Public Relations (as cited in the Birmingham Business Journal, July 19, 2013). Make sure that whoever is interacting on social media for your association (even if it is multiple people) share a similar style and feel across all social media channels. This will help your content resonate more with your audience.
- Create a community of colleagues. According to Shama Hyder Kabani’s book, The Zen of Social Media Marketing, it is important to create a “community of colleagues” on social media. So, follow other association executives that are active Twitter users, follow other associations, and be sure to become active with those other users. Feel free to share tips and tricks of your own. That is, after all, the best of what social media can offer business users.
- Don’t forget to monitor your feed! Most of what happens on Twitter happens on the fly so monitoring your feed on a regular basis (say once an hour if you have the manpower) is a great way to keep up with the chatter. There are several great resources (some paid and some free) for doing this: Hootsuite offers a great free version that allows you to monitor multiple streams on Twitter at once. You can even monitor LinkedIn and Facebook accounts from the Hootsuite dashboard. Best of all, you can schedule your posts in advance with the same service. Other great Twitter services that have similar functionality are Tweetdeck and TwAitter (now gremln.com).
- Keep an eye out for keywords on Twitter. Many of these dashboards will let you set up streams to monitor keywords or trending topics of your choice. This works similar to Google Alerts in that you get all tweets featuring the chosen keywords. For Example, if you want to hear the latest news on group exercise, you might set up a stream to follow the hashtag “#groupexercise.” The service, TweetBeep, will even let you set up email alerts for keywords that you are really interested in.
Stay tuned to Daxko’s Industry blog where we will be offering Twitter and other social media tips and tricks as an ongoing series.
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