Engaging Volunteers: What you Need to Know

Engaging Volunteers: What you Need to Know

By Sara Perry
Published On Aug 19, 2013

Did you know that engaged members are twice as likely to volunteer?

It makes sense that engaged nonprofit members also volunteer. And, keeping those engagement levels high not only improves volunteer retention and loyalty but it helps recruitment efforts. According to the Center for Association Growth, some tips to recruit and retain nonprofit volunteers include:

  • Ask for feedback – A simple survey with just a few questions is enough to give you insight and improve your volunteer program over time
  • Connect volunteer efforts to the mission – Volunteers will step up when they understand how their work serves the greater cause
  • Don’t waste time – Volunteers quickly become disenchanted with a program when they are not given enough to do
  • Recognize volunteers – Encouragement can be given at many levels of the organization. For example, a nonprofit can allow other volunteers, immediate supervisors, and higher ups to recognize outstanding volunteer performance
  • Leverage unique talents – if you have volunteers that are constantly on their personal Twitter feed, consider training them to work on social media for your nonprofit

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